The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum provides a number of ways for community members to be involved including their volunteer program. Director of Volunteer Services Jeremy Carrell and Volunteer Services Manager Melissa Blankestyn spoke to Community Voices about the importance of volunteers at the museum, their responsibilities, and their new VolunTEENS program which piloted this summer. They also talk about the training sessions the museum will be offering for new volunteers this fall.
The Central Illinois Volunteerism Conference is an annual event about volunteers, organized by volunteers. The conference is scheduled for June 28 and will feature a multi-generational panel of volunteers, break out sessions and a keynote speaker. For more information visit: https://www.civconference.org/
Lauren Gleason, volunteer coordinator, Illinois State Historic Sites; and Jenn Edginton, interim director, Illinois State Museum joined Community Voices to provide more information about the Illinois History Day experience for students and volunteers. Judges and other volunteers to facilitate the event are still needed.
Greta Lopp is a high school senior and leader of Student United Way at Glenwood High School. She spoke to Community Voices about her love of volunteering, the journey to bring Student United Way to her high school, and some of the service projects they've worked on. Greta also shares her perspective on today's youth and community involvement.
Jill Hawkins-Wright is the Director of The Volunteer and Civic Engagement Center at the University of Illinois Springfield. Jill has a background in public health and previously worked as the Volunteer Coordinator at Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach before she started at UIS in 2018. Jill spoke to Community Voices about her interest in public health, the services the center offers on campus and in the community, and the upcoming Good as Gold event.
Michael Thomas business relationship manager at Express Employment Professionals.
Lauren Gleason, interim volunteer coordinator of Illinois State Historic Sites in Springfield, and Margo Carlen, volunteer services coordinator at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, discuss the importance of volunteers to nonprofits and opportunities available.
The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund – a local government pension fund, is pushing an effort this year to get more of their members to help out others.…