About/Contact NPR Illinois
Mission: Explain Illinois.
How we do it: Inform, analyze, engage.
We deliver in-depth multimedia news reports, expert analysis on statewide issues, plus informative engagement events — all upholding the philosophy and integrity of public journalism. Our programs and storytelling reflect the quality of life across Illinois in context with the nation and the world and explore how residents may improve it.
Broadcast Hours
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. through 5 p.m.
Questions: General
Springfield: (217) 206-9847
Pittsfield: (866) 206-9847 toll-free
Email: engage@nprillinois.org
Questions/News Tips:
News Contact: Sean Crawford
Phone: (217) 206-6524
Email: scraw1@uis.edu
Questions: Membership/Giving
Contact: Kate McKenzie
Phone: (217) 206-6094
Email: kate.mckenzie@uis.edu
Questions: Sponsorship/Underwriting
Contact: Brady Cummings
Phone: (217) 206-6515
Email: brady.cummings@uis.edu
Questions: Technical
Contact: Tim Boll
Phone: (217) 206-6406
Email: tboll@uis.edu
Write NPR Illinois
One University Plaza
Springfield, IL 62703-5407
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