A pair of credit rating agencies on Tuesday issued warnings on the finances of both the state of Illinois and its largest city.Moody's Investors Service…
Illinois lawmakers from both parties have been bragging about passing a balanced budget this year, but Comptroller Susana Mendoza says the state still…
Sean Crawford talks with the State Journal-Register Business Editor Tim Landis.This week:* S&P and Moody's downgrades: Surprise wasn't that they…
A day after the Illinois General Assembly ended it’s spring session without passing a budget, two bond rating agencies have downgraded the state’s…
Six of Illinois’ state universities have been put on notice for credit downgrades. It’s the latest knock on state government after more than 21 months…
A report says the outlook for the Illinois economy is bleak.The Illinois General Assembly's non-partisan budget research group published an economic…
Full show including:DOJ Finds Civil Rights Abuses in Chicago Police DepartmentAs City Prepares to Borrow $1.2B, Mayor Asks Moody’s to Withdraw RatingsKurt…
The University of Illinois has received a relatively glowing financial report from Moody's Investor Service, but it comes with warnings.In a just-released…
It's a rare occurrence of late: A credit rating agency saying something positive about Illinois' finances. But the comment published Tuesday by Moody's…
Illinois' fiscal health continues to tumble, in the eyes of the analysts who assign credit ratings.Moody's. S&P. Fitch. All three of the nation's big…