Melodie Parrish is the author of 8 Months of Hell: My Journey with PTSD . She spoke to Community Voices about the process of writing her book, as well as her experience with PTSD and traumatic brain injury.For more information visit: https://www.8monthsofhell.com/
LJ Pemberton is the marketing and patron relations manager for the Kirkland Fine Arts Center. LJ is also an artist and published author. She returned to Community Voices to speak about her journey as a writer and her new book "Still Alive." LJ also talks about a future book she is currently working on.
Peyton Leonard is a local singer, songwriter, and author. She spoke to Community Voices about her journey with singing, various health challenges, and her new book The Mutates. Peyton also talks about her first book signing and the importance of words.
Brigitte Franzen is a certified financial planner and a former hog farmer. She spoke to Community Voices about her journey to Central Illinois, establishing her own hog farm, and her new book "Have Pigs, Will Travel." Brigitte also gives words of encouragement for others who have dealt with detours in life.
Jennifer Keith is the author of "Fixing the Funny Bone: The G.R.I.T. Method to Heal with Humor." She spoke to Community Voices about her experiences with grief and using humor to work through trauma.
Casey Hutchison is a graduate of UIS with a degree in English Language and Literature. He has directed and edited four different podcasts and written two books. Hutchison spoke to Community Voices about his new book, "Four Spots in Hell," and his time at UIS.
E.G. Keith is an 11-year-old author who has written a book called "Havoc." She spoke to Community Voices about how she became interested in writing and what she plans to write in the future.
John Mark Watson is the Executive Vice President and COO at Bunn-O-Matic Corporation. He has written a book titled "Joyous Leadership: Stories of Learnings Along the Way." He spoke to Community Voices about the inspirational stories from his years working in management which inspired him to write the book during the COIVD-19 pandemic. He also discussed how to find joy and happiness the difference between the two.
John Mark Watson is the Executive Vice President and COO at Bunn-O-Matic Corporation. He has written a book titled "Joyous Leadership: Stories of Learnings Along the Way." He spoke to Community Voices about the inspirational stories from his years working in management which inspired him to write the book during the COIVD-19 pandemic. He also discussed how to find joy and happiness the difference between the two.
Jennifer Hobbs is an Army veteran and the author of "Calmed: Growth After Trauma." She has written a memoir about the trauma she and her husband experienced while deployed in Iraq. Hobbs hopes that her book and her wellness program will help veterans and their families in recovering from trauma.