Feb 28 Friday
If you’ve ever wondered why anyone chooses religious life, then you might want to join the Dominican Sisters of Springfield on February 28 to find out.
Perhaps you think that God might be calling you to consecrated life. Or—maybe just the opposite—you have difficulty understanding why on Earth someone would choose to be a Catholic sister today.
40-minute virtual gatheringshowcase of the sisters’ ministriesTime for Q&AFree gift!
Today the Dominican sisters serve in education, healthcare, pastoral ministry, social transformation, justice advocacy, and commitments to the care of creation, antiracism, and the accompaniment of immigrants and others who are marginalized by society. Many of these ministries will be highlighted during the event.
A highlight of the evening will be a top-ten reveal of the sister’s reasons they believe God’s call to religious life is essential in the 21st century. Participants will receive a PDF poster they can print and a set of infographics to print and share.
Mar 05 Wednesday
Women and men everywhere are invited to join the Dominican Sisters of Springfield for Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples. The virtual sessions, scheduled for 7:00 pm Central Time on the Wednesdays of Lent starting March 5, will allow space for participants to attune their hearts and minds to the struggles of those Jesus most often accompanied during his life on Earth: widows, orphans, and persons cast out.
The title draws on Jesus’ request in Matthew’s gospel that the disciples accompany him to Gethsemane while he prays, just before his arrest.
Hosted by the Dominican Sisters’ Vocation Office, participants can expect to:
hear reflections on the theme from Dominican sisters,enjoy periods of silence and sharing, andbuild a community of prayer and mutual support for their Lenten practice.
Mar 12 Wednesday
Mar 19 Wednesday
Mar 26 Wednesday
Apr 02 Wednesday
Apr 09 Wednesday
May 03 Saturday
The best of a vintage & handmade shopping event Plus the fun of a treasure pickin' flea market come together at Finders Market. Chart your shopping course through 3 barns plus Lots of outdoor spaces filled with vintage and antique furniture, textiles, collectibles, architectural pieces, quality handmade goods, gourmet items, home decor, boutique clothing, accessories, Great Food Trucks and lots of fun!
Oct 04 Saturday