Illinois was among the states helping re-nominate President Trump Monday as the Republican National Convention began in Charlotte, N.C. Just like…
As Democrats and Republicans gear up for next year’s election, the parties rallied in Springfield this week with events timed to the Illinois State…
The Illinois Republican Party’s top brass says it’s optimistic about its chances in 2020. Officials rallied the base Thursday at the Illinois State…
Republicans held their annual rally at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield Wednesday with a message of party unity. Bruce Rauner still holds the…
After weeks of feuding within the Illinois Republican Party an unusual agreement has been reached with hopes of bridging the divide.In a rare move, the…
Supporters of Donald Trump say now that the Republican National Convention is over, and he’s the nominee, it’s high time party leaders got on board.When…
The GOP has been talking for years about the need to do more minority outreach: Illinois leaders like former Governor Jim Edgar said at the Republican…
Illinois Republican leaders are trying to show a united front, and to build a bridge between two islands: that of party mainstays and Donald…