The Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln leads a process of planning to improve the future of Springfield.
The Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln leads a process of planning to improve the future of Springfield.
A panel from Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln Next 10 Extra series, Activating the State Fairgrounds Year-Round. Panel:Illinois Department of…
John Stremsterfer is the President and CEO of the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln. He comes back on Community Voices to give an update on The…
Johns Stremsterfer discusses the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln's new visioning initiative, the Next 10, to grow the greater Springfield…
When the pandemic hit this spring, there were immediate concerns over the basic needs of people and how to make sure those were being met. A joint effort…
It’s Community Foundation Week. And in central Illinois, the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln is wrapping up another successful year of…
We're talking philanthropy as the season of giving approaches. One way to give is through a community foundation. Charitable funds are established,…
For the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln, it's all about philanthropy. The organization helps manage more than 150 different funds and as much…
It was 100 years ago that community foundations began. It was in Ohio."It was actually a banker from Cleveland who thought,there's all these charitable…