Would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you can’t be too careful? An NPR Illinois survey shows Illinoisans are divided on the question —…
An overwhelming majority of Illinoisans say lawmakers should make dealing with climate change a priority. That’s according to the latest results from an…
New polling data from NPR Illinois and the University of Illinois Springfield shows Illinois registered voters are sharply split on whether immigrants…
Illinois residents across the state, and across party lines, largely support more gun regulations. That’s according to the results of an NPR Illinois -…
There's more information about the federal investigation into state Sen. Martin Sandoval, we dig deep on why Illinois' population is declining, and Gov.…
A broad majority of Illinois voters support major changes to the state income tax, favoring a system where the wealthy pay more. That’s according to new…
A majority of Illinoisans think the state is on the wrong track and have a dim view of the economy, but the pessimism doesn’t seem to be affecting Gov.…
A statewide survey shows support for changing Illinois’ income tax structure. But opposition remains and there are plenty of hurdles to clear before it…
The 2018 Illinois Issues Survey produced by the UIS Center for State Policy & Leadership's Survey Research Office and NPR Illinois shows dissatisfaction…