Customers of Ameren Illinois have another opportunity to offer comments on the company’s proposed Multi-Year Electric Rate Plan at a public hearing on July 19 in Decatur. The hearing will begin at 6 p.m. at the Decatur Civic Center.
An Illinois Commerce Commission Administrative Law Judge who is presiding over the cases in consolidated Docket Nos. 22-0487 and 23-0082, as well as ICC Staff, will be onsite to accept the public comments. Representatives from Ameren Illinois will also be present.
The public may submit verbal or written comments to the ALJ at the hearing. To ensure everyone wishing to speak is accommodated, the ICC said verbal comments will be limited to three minutes per person. It should be noted, however, that public comments may not be used to resolve disputed issues of fact in the formal proceeding. Commission staff will be available to answer procedural questions following the comment portion of the meeting.
For those unable to attend the hearing, public comments may also be left with the ICC through its website in Docket Nos. 22-0487/23-0082. Comments may also be left with an ICC Consumer Services Division Counselor by calling toll-free 1-800-524-0795 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Ameren Illinois filed the petition for approval of a Multi-Year Rate Plan with the Commission back in January 2023. A Proposed Order summarizing the case and making recommendations is expected to be filed by the ALJs in the fall, and a Final Order ruling by the Commissioners must be issued before the end of the year.
Changes to state law under the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) gave the state’s largest investor-owned public utilities the option to file multi-year rate plans. The rate cases should complement the utility company’s Multi-Year Integrated Grid Plans, which are designed to accelerate progress on Illinois’ clean energy and environmental goals while holding electric companies accountable for their performance.
If you are interested in reviewing Ameren Illinois’ petitions, you may do so by visiting the ICC’s e-docket site at Documents for 22-0487 ( or Documents for 23-0082 (