Part 2: Most of the radium-tainted earth from decades-old manufacturing in Ottawa has been removed, but one major site still needs cleanup.Ken Ricci…
Thursday was not the day to switch places with Chris Grundler.Grundler, the director of the Office of Transportation and Air Quality at the U.S.…
The U.S. EPA is proposing tweaks to ethanol policy.The agency proposed a cut to the amount of corn ethanol oil companies are required to blend in to our…
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has added an extra layer of regulatory protection for a central Illinois aquifer by declaring it a primary source…
Farm and Business groups have been vocal in their opposition to proposed federal water regulations. Opponents of the rules say it will turn into…
Illinois Business and Farm groups are trying to fight off some new federal water regulations. The groups claim the regulations will be an over-reach onto…
The state's business community is lining up with farm groups in an effort to stave off some new federal water regulations. The Illinois Farm Bureau has…
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency is touring farm country, trying to assure farmers that the agency isn’t asking for more authority over…
A new study indicates that the naturally occurring filtration systems in the Mississippi River are being overwhelmed by the amount of nitrogen going into…
The head of an Illinois coal industry trade group is panning President Barack Obama's plans for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power…