Illinois has long held the record for the most units of local government in any state — 8,923 local taxing bodies to be exact, according to a recent…
NPR Illinois hosted its fifth Illinois Issues forum August 9 at the Union League Club of Chicago. The listening tour of the state focuses on the financial…
A proposed amendment to the state’s constitution would protect money set aside for transportation projects. Supporters say the change is needed because…
Illinois workers get an added bonus once they retire: They don't have to pay taxes on pension or Social Security checks. It's one possible change the…
Illinois has more than $100 billion in pension debt. So far, attempts to fix it have been mostly illegal.Editor's note March 31, 2016: A recent study puts…
Pensions' big day before the Illinois Supreme Court has been set for next month, on March 11. I was honored to be on a panel recently (before Gov. Bruce…
Next week, Gov. Bruce Rauner will unveil his spending proposal. The non-partisan Civic Federation has some suggestions.The Civic Federation’s Director,…
Illinois is about a quarter of the way into its fiscal year and building up debt along the way. A new report from the Civic Federation says it's a return…
Illinois is about a quarter of the way into its fiscal year and building up debt along the way.A new report says it's a return to detrimental policies…
The debate over state retiree pensions has been a consistent backdrop for the Illinois gubernatorial election, bringing older voters to the forefront of…