Illinois hunters are gearing up to harvest bobcats, for the first time since the '70s.Interest in participating is outpacing the permit supply. Bobcats…
Illinois senators Thursday passed legislation out of committee to ban trapping bobcats and selling their pelts. The state recently allowed for the hunting…
Not so long ago, prior to 1999, Illinois considered bobcats a threatened species. Come winter, hunters will be able to harvest the cats.Gov. Bruce Rauner…
The Humane Society is trying to use star power to protect Illinois bobcats. But will it work?Ever seen Iron Man 2? The HBO show The Newsroom? Excited…
Hunting for bobcats could soon be legal in Illinois, but the measure barely passed the legislature.When the proposal was first introduced, its sponsor,…
Bobcats, beware. Illinois lawmakers have renewed their call to lift a ban on hunting bobcats.Former Governor Pat Quinn vetoed a previous attempt in one of…
A state senator is still smarting from former Governor Pat Quinn's last minute veto of a proposal to once again allow bobcat hunting in Illinois. The…
Gov. Pat Quinn has vetoed a bill that would have allowed bobcathunting in Illinois for the first time in more than 40 years. Quinn says allowing hunting…