A new task force has been formed to combat opioid abuse in the state.Earlier this month representatives of state agencies and advocates came together to…
Earlier this month it was announced the state has received two federal grants from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to combat…
A new law makes a drug that counteracts opioid overdose easier to get. But is that enough?Northlake resident Steve Kamenicky is lucky to be alive.He’s 58…
The state’s heroin crisis has captured headlines and the attention of lawmakers. But in the past few years, the number of methamphetamine lab busts has…
When the state finally has a budget, who will be left out?Illinois is facing the very real possibility of going for more than half of the current fiscal…
As the third month Illinois has gone without a state budget nears its end, some programs have recently gotten funding. Many other are still waiting and…
As the fight over Illinois’ budget drags on, an addiction treatment program for juveniles and an anti-violence program, which both saw their state funding…
Nick Gore was 20 years old when he started taking pain pills recreationally. His substance abuse turned into a dependency that lasted seven years and…
Not too long ago in the small town of Coulterville, police responded to a heroin overdose call. Once they arrived on the scene, all officers could do was…