The pattern of warmer weather is expected to continue through the summer. That’s according to the latest National Weather Service long range forecasts.
State Climatologist Jim Angel said in April, the average high temperature has been about 6 ½ degrees above normal. He said the latest models show all of Illinois and most of the country have an increased change of above average temperatures.
While the weather in central Illinois has already broken the 80 degree mark on a few occasions, it's also been a wet spring.
“Overall, we were kind of worried about the dry winter conditions,” he said. “But in March and April, it’s been much wetter for us. So I think things like soil moisture have sort of rebounded for us a little bit.”
But looking ahead, the same forecast models indicate below average rainfall for May-July.
Angel adds this year is likely to follow the trend. “Milder winters, warmer springs and a bit quicker jump on the growing season,” he said.