State of the State Podcast:A New Way To Think About 'High-Crime' NeighborhoodsTRANSCRIPT: From NPR Illinois, it’s State of the State. I’m Brian Mackey,…
As we get ready to welcome 2016, we thought we’d take a few minutes to listen back to what’s been a difficult year in Illinois government and politics.…
Illinois could finally reckon with its dramatically overcrowded prisons in 2016.The entire system is at 146 percent of the capacity it was designed to…
Even though much of Illinois government is operating without a budget, the state is still looking to spend money. Right now, on Illinois’ procurement…
On episode 16 of the State of the State podcast, a commission working on an overhaul of Illinois’ criminal justice system has approved its first set of…
Ideology has long been at the heart of high-profile judicial battles, whether the judges are elected or appointed. But is it different when the fight puts…
Did the voters know what they were getting?TRANSCRIPT: From Illinois Public Radio, it’s State of the State. I’m Brian Mackey, and the state of the state…
News Analysis — On September 18, 2012, the year before Bruce Rauner declared his candidacy for governor, he shared his vision for a crisis that could help…
How do you get a 17-year-old to confess to a crime he didn’t commit? Turns out it’s not that hard.Two years ago, Trevon Yates confessed to St. Clair…
You might think that with the state of Illinois’ finances in flames, the top legislative leaders would be in constant meetings with the governor. You…