How would contenders for the state's top legal office have handled the budget stalemate?One of the limitations of modern political debates is that…
As we get ready to welcome 2018, we thought we’d take a few minutes to listen back to another wild year in Illinois government and politics.We heard state…
Commentary: Gov. Bruce Rauner recently criticized the Democrats for passing a spending plan that is more than a billion dollars out of balance, according…
After more than two years, 16 Republicans split from Gov. Bruce Rauner to help Democrats pass a budget for Illinois. It spends less than Illinois has been…
Yesterday's controversial override vote that increased taxes was delayed by about two hours when the capitol was put on lockdown, due to reports of a…
Illinois’ two-year budget impasse is over. The House of Representatives on Thursday overrode the governor's budget veto, giving final approval to a…
The Illinois House will meet Thursday to try to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget veto.At his first public appearance since nearly a third of the House…
A day after Gov. Bruce Rauner of Illinois vetoed the state’s first budget plan in two years, the Democrats who control the legislature are plotting when…
The Illinois Senate took action Tuesday meant to end a two-year budget stalemate. After two years of no budget and under threat of “junk bond” status,...
Two bond rating agencies say Illinois is on the right path with the budget plan passed Sunday in the state House of Representatives.After two years…