The ACLU of Illinois, press freedom groups and victims’ rights advocates urged the university to alter a policy that requires reporters to tell campus…
A new report from a University of Illinois panel on faculty misconduct seeks a broader definition of sexual harassment and more transparency. But a…
University of Illinois Told Our Partners They Must Share Sexual Misconduct Tips With Campus Authorities. Here's How We're Protecting Our Sources.To…
Dear President Timothy Killeen and Chancellor Susan Koch:In August, NPR Illinois in partnership with ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network published…
We’d like to hear about your experience with misconduct on campus, or if you were subjected to it but did not or could not file a report. We need help…
Former University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor Gary Gang Xu assaulted and threatened students while university officials downplayed…
After NPR Illinois and ProPublica found that several University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professors who violated policies were allowed to quietly…
NPR Illinois and ProPublica found several sexual harassment allegations against University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign faculty that haven’t been…
An administrator resigned amid sexual harassment accusations. Another college hired him. A professor was found to have stalked a coworker. She agreed to…