The following commentary was written by Dr. Robert Smith, Dean of the College of Public Affairs and Administration at the University of Illinois…
A website that popped up this month asks a question as its URL: arethereanywomenrunningforilgovernor.com. It then very simply answers it with a bright red…
In the final month of the 2010 campaign, the political career of Gov. Pat Quinn appeared to be nearing its end. Poll after poll showed him down by four,…
Illinois has set its regulations for medical marijuana in the state. While, those who may benefit medically are looking forward to the substance becoming…
As Rod Blagojevich proved, political farm teams — where future leaders grow while they await their shot at the big leagues — can comprise little-known…
It’s increasingly obvious that Illinois suffers from a crisis of leadership. With the last governor in prison, the current one under federal investigation…
Patronage has the potential to be a social good or a social bad in every sector of society where powerful people make decisions about jobs. Often there is…
Columnist Bill McClellan of the St. Louis Post-Dispatchsuggested that the University of Illinois change its sports teams' name to the Fighting Corrupt…
Throughout the year, Illinois Issues will publish occasional mini-profiles of some of the state's rising public officials. These are the first two.All…
Looking for a political leader? You might try the nearest mirror.Shortly before he died in 2003, Paul Simon concluded that elected officials are counting…