A few months can make a lot of difference. In the spring, the Sangamon County Economic Outlook Survey ound a lot of optimism. But that was before a budget…
The 2015 Sangamon County Citizen Survey indicates residents are generally in good health, with access to health care. 96% report having health insurance.…
Local employers seem to be optimistic about the Sangamon County economy in the year ahead.The twice yearly survey gives researchers a read on what local…
This story first ran in the October 2014 edition of Illinois Issues magazine.In the final month of the 2010 campaign, the political career of Gov. Pat…
What do Sangamon County employers see in the year ahead? The fall economic outlook survey shows they have a positive outlook about their individual…
While most say the county is a good place to live, work and raise kids, it's not all a rosy picture. It found crime is a concern, most want better roads…
The survey of employers find many have positive expectations for their own firms, but have a negative overall outlook for the coming year. Ashley…