Kids who use medical marijuana for a qualifying condition might be allowed to use the drug on school grounds under a Illinois proposal. The legislation…
This week, Gov. Bruce Rauner dodged a Nerf-ball question about whether former Congressman and Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke was a racist. Meanwhile,…
Want to know how your kid's school is performing compared to others? The Illinois State Board of Education today released graduation rates, test scores,…
The debate over school funding dominated much of the legislative session, and concluded with a compromise plan designed to send more state funds to the…
Gov. Bruce Rauner has launched a website to show that most school districts stand to gain more state funding under his plan than under the Democrats'…
The Illinois State Board of Education says it will no longer administer the Partnership for the Achievement of Readiness for College and Careers…
Some Illinois districts spend just above six-thousand dollars per student in a school year, while other districts spend more than five times that amount.…
Illinois' school funding formula relies heavily on property taxes, resulting in deep disparities in districts’ levels of spending. When the Illinois State…
Lawmakers return to Springfield with some new ideas, but the unfinished business of 2015 will likely overshadow other topics in the second year of the…
Once you graduate from high school, you're ready for college. At least that's the theory. But the Illinois State Board of Education recently released data…