NPR Illinois hosted its first LISTEN session, a program designed to hear feedback about the media from unheard parts of the community. For this first session the Community Voices team visited Southeast High school to ask students what it's like to be a student today, how they find news and how the media can change to entice younger listeners. The program was created thanks to a donor through the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln. If you have a group that would like to be heard, please email communityvoices@nprillinois.org.
Awisi Bustos is the Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director at Illinois Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs. She spoke to Community Voices about the Boys & Girls Clubs in Illinois and how they provide opportunities that have lasting effects on youth. She also shared her experience growing up in other countries and how it formed her perspective on helping others.
Erica Austin is the Program Outreach Coordinator and Community Liaison at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. She also does a lot of work in…