Legalized sports betting has officially launched in Illinois. This week, a casino in suburban Chicago opened the state’s first place for gamblers to…
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Friday signed into law a long-awaited $45 billion infrastructure plan.The money will help restore the state’s crumbling roads…
Chicago, Rockford, and Southern Illinois will get the casinos they’ve been fighting to get for years.In a special session Saturday and Sunday, lawmakers…
Illinoisans will soon pay more for gasoline and cigarettes. Those are just two tax increases needed to pay for a $45 billion infrastructure plan, which…
The usual May 31st deadline for the Illinois General Assembly passed last night, but lawmakers are not yet done with their work.Democrats racked up a…
Friday is the last day of the Illinois General Assembly’s scheduled spring legislative session, and lawmakers still have a long list of things to…
With only three full days left in the Illinois Spring legislative session, the long-awaited gaming expansion plan is still under wraps. Only lawmakers and…
With only four days left in the Illinois legislative session, some lawmakers say they are ready to move forward with a gambling expansion proposal. But…
With only one week left in the spring legislative session, lawmakers are still trying to piece together a final sports betting proposal, but issues…
Recreational pot, construction projects and more — here’s what we know.When Gov. J.B. Pritzker introduced his freshman budget this winter, he proposed a…