The event is Thursday night in downtown Springfield.
Chef Michael Higgins, owner of Maldaner's restaurant in downtown Springfield, discusses his continued innovation of one of the oldest businesses in town.
Springfield city council members, utility officials, and clean-energy advocates reached an agreement on new rules for rooftop solar panels on Tuesday.The…
On the roof of the Kerasotes building in downtown Springfield, at the corner of Sixth and Washington streets, Michelle Knox shows off a 9.9-kilowatt array…
Sean Crawford talks with Tim Landis, Business Editor for the State Journal-Register.* High Speed Rail: Nearly $2 billion project finishing up in central…
Sean Crawford talks with Tim Landis, Business Editor for the State Journal-Register.* Solar surge: CWLP on pace for record solar installations this year,…
If you want to learn more about solar energy and how it can be put to use in your home or business, there's a good opportunity for a firsthand look this…