Governor JB Pritzker has named a new Chair of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Board. Gary Johnson will take over the role effective…
A day after former Vice President Joe Biden finished fifth in the New Hampshire primary, he still had the support of former U.S. Transportation Secretary…
Officials at Springfield’s Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, known as the ALPLM, are once again trying to verify the authenticity of a hat…
Former Republican congressman and U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood made a pitch Monday for Illinois to raise its gas tax.The Peoria native told a…
The State of the State Blog looks at the effectiveness and culture of Illinois government.The day after Congressman Aaron Schock announced his surprise…
Republican County Leaders Saturday selected Tim Butler as a replacement in the Illinois 87th House District. He'll fill the seat Rich Brauer held until he…
Bradley University has revealed former U.S. Secretary of Transportation and congressman Ray LaHood's new role at the school's Institute for Principled…
SHIFTS AT THE TOPRay Serati of Springfield is the new deputy press secretary for Gov. George Ryan. After retiring from 33 years of service covering the…