The Looking for Lincoln Stories podcast shares stories about the people and places of Abraham Lincoln’s time. It also highlights lesser known stories about African Americans who lived in the area. Heather Feezor is the director and David Blanchette writes for the podcast. They spoke to Community Voices about slavery and indentured servitude in Illinois and how African Americans at the time were affected by Illinois law.
Mitch Ladd is the co-host for The Geek Awakens, a Springfield-based podcast and talk show nominated for the best podcast in Springfield. He talked with Community Voices about his love of all things geek, as well as some tips for aspiring podcasters.
Larry Smith talks with Bea Bonner about life as a comedian and podcaster.
The Dominican Sisters of Springfield have a new podcast called F.L.O.W.cast, where the sisters share their stories and provide positive messages for the community. The production team for the podcast, Sister Beth Murphy, Jeremiah Washington and Aaron Tebrinke, spoke with Community Voices about their new project.
Larry Smith talks with Bea Bonner about life as a comedian and podcaster.
Chenoa Alamu is a violnist in the Illinois Symphony Orchestra. She is also the host of the podcast "Black, White & In Color". Over the summer, Chenoa…