Lawmakers discuss audit of LaSalle Veterans Home outbreak that killed 36 residents.
A total of 36 residents at the LaSalle Veterans’ Home have died since the fall from the coronavirus disease, placing a spotlight on how the facility…
Final construction work on the long-awaited Chicago Veterans Home is on schedule, and a state official says the facility will be fully operational by next…
The cemetery where Abraham Lincoln rests has a new monument, honoring troops and veterans awarded a Purple Heart."We few, we happy few, we band of…
7 people have died from a Legionnaires' Disease outbreak in western Illinois, the state announced Tuesday. The cases all involve residents of the Illinois…
Moving to a new state is never easy, especially when you’re a school-aged kid. But for military families who move more frequently than most, laws in…
A budget director for Gov. Pat Quinn says if the federal government shutdown proceeds, Illinois employees paid by federal funds could face temporary…