There may be fewer road construction projects and repairs around Illinois in the coming year as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. It started with the…
The Illinois General Assembly ended its spring legislative session last weekend, passing what some are calling the most productive session in a…
Illinoisans will soon pay more for gasoline and cigarettes. Those are just two tax increases needed to pay for a $45 billion infrastructure plan, which…
Note: The show was taped during the noon hour on Friday, while debate and negotiations at the Statehouse were still ongoing.On the final day of the…
Illinois gets an April surprise — $1.5 billion in unexpected revenue — as lawmakers debate what the windfall means. The public also got its first look at…
Even though it’s the legislative spring break, there are several issues still to be negotiated, including a potential construction program funded with a…
While gas prices fluctuate, one charge at the pump has stayed the same since 1990. Illinoisans have paid the same gas tax – the charge per gallon the…
Gov. Bruce Rauner says he tried to get out of his doomed re-election bid. In an interview with Craig Wall of WLS-TV, Chicago's ABC station, he says he…
A proposed amendment to the state’s constitution would protect money set aside for transportation projects. Supporters say the change is needed because…
Portions of the gas tax collected when you fuel your car is supposed to go to municipalities, for road repairs like filling potholes, or for buying salt…