Gov. Bruce Rauner gained attention — and generated outrage in some quarters — for an ad that used both profanity and a mock same-sex marriage to attack…
Illinois makes it easier than other states to register to vote, but do residents take advantage of the state's laws?Illinois residents who don't have much…
Illinois government has been stuck in a rut for going on 18 months now, and much of the attention has centered on the fight between Governor Bruce Rauner…
With victories Tuesday in Illinois and elsewhere, Donald Trump is continuing his march toward the Republican presidential nomination. Those contemplating…
Host Amanda Vinicky (Illinois Public Radio) and guests Brian Mackey (Illinois Public Radio) and Dave Dahl (Illinois Radio Network) discuss the year since…
Judicial races are getting increasingly politicized, according to a study published Thursday surveying 2013-2014 state Supreme Court races called…
Republican legislators can expect the money they've received from Gov. Bruce Rauner to keep flowing, if the governor holds true to his word.Republicans'…
Gov. Bruce Rauner wants the legislature's help in making two big changes to the state's constitution, but the Illinois House Speaker isn't on board. It's…
The Illinois General Assembly doesn't typically meet during the summer. But legislators are back for another one-day session today.A week ago, the…
Illinois lawmakers are debating whether the wealthy should take on a bigger tax burden.Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan first surged the idea…