Our next-door-neighbor state has legally ended its relationship with the curriculum associated with Common Core.…
School administrators are typically too polite to say “Told ya so!” but they have every right to when it comes to the PARCC test -- the new standardized…
Parents and educators alike have been questioning the increasing number of standardized tests now required in public schools. A measure filed by Illinois…
In mid-January, Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennet decided to take a stand against the Common Core test known as the PARCC (Partnership for…
Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett has declared that only 66 of her 6,000 schools will participate in PARCC testing this spring. That's…
Illinois schools are preparing to implement a new standardized test based on the Common Core standards. Some school districts have pleaded with state…
If you want to get an idea of how controversial the new Common Core standardized test is, consider this: The number of states that have legalized…
With the rise of computers and electronic communications, educators have all but written off penmanship. And kids who don’t learn to write cursive tend to…
The Science Of SmartSchools across the country are trying new ways to teach based on brain science. Teachers say current techniques are failing, but new…
Benjamin Churchill has been spending extra time with his daughter at the computer lately. Quinn, 8, will be taking her first state exam this school year,…