With just two days remaining in the spring session of the Illinois General Assembly, lawmakers are optimistic about passing a state budget on time.After…
On Feb. 12 -- Abraham Lincoln's birthday -- officials released plans to salute another President with state ties.Just days ago, on Wed., Feb. 10,…
Gov. Bruce Rauner this afternoon signed a law to help bring President Barack Obama's presidential library to Illinois. The General Assembly rushed to pass…
The force of the Illinois legislature is behind bringing George Lucas's museum and Barack Obama's presidential library to Chicago.When the legislature's…
Chicago officials are trying to shore up their bid to bring the Obama Presidential Library to the president’s hometown.Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday…
The chairman of the foundation behind the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum says fundraising is drying up because of tensions between the…
The Illinois Legislature adjourned its spring session having passed a new state budget and other key measures, but leaving some business undone. Here's a…
An Illinois Senate panel Wednesday approved a measure to pay tribute to one of the chamber's most distinguished former members. Barack Obama was once one…
Republicans say they've found another way to fundraise for a future Barack Obama presidential library ... one that doesn't involve state funds. This comes…
A legislative committee Wednesday voted to authorize spending $100 million to lure Barack Obama's presidential library to Chicago ... for the second…