In the race for the 10th U.S. House District, which stretches from northern Cook County through the North Shore, Democrat Dan Seals is trying once again…
Illinois will be a battleground in 2008 as Democrats fight to keep their newfound majority in the U.S. House, and Republicans fight to win it…
Democrats hope to extend their slight majority in the Illinois congressional delegation, and the outcome of the February 5 primary races will play a role.…
What do electric utilities, cable television and gambling casinos have in common? They're all good for business — the lobbying business, that is. As…
There are two sides to every story, and each side deserves equal play. It's a basic principle of news reporting called balance, and it's designed to…
A blank space presents the perfect opportunity and the ultimate uncertainty. With no blueprint, any structure is possible. On the other hand, no plan…
One of your own as speaker of the U.S. House, the most powerful individual on Capitol Hill? It doesn't get any better than that.Illinois enjoyed that…
Someone with a decent arm could stand in Springfield and throw a ball from one of the city's congressional districts over another district and into a…
The term “clear channel” refers to the dominant station on a particular AM radio frequency. A high-power, wide-service-area clear channel station takes…
Gov. Rod Blagojevich comes off as a regular guy. He had trouble in school. He’s comfortable making fun of himself.He’s also comfortable making fun of…