Rain didn't stop advocates for same-sex marriage, who rallied under umbrellas by the hundreds in front of the Illinois Capitol Tuesday, Oct. 22. A measure to legalize same-sex marriage passed the state Senate earlier this year, but has stalled in the Illinois House.
There were two types of headliners:
-musicians, like Marcus Terrell, of "America's Got Talent" fame, who sang a "song about true love" ("and as we all know here today true love in any form is just natural," he said).
-and political headliners, including the governor, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin and state Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka.
"You know what? It's a basic American right that we can marry who we want to marry. And that's just a fact of life," he said.
Despite all that, there's no definitive sign the measure's sponsor, Rep. Greg Harris, has the necessary 60 votes.
"Every day there are families across Illinois who are being harmed, so the sooner we get this done, the better," he said.
But Harris wouldn't say if "sooner" means during the current fall veto session. He held off calling the measure for a vote in the spring because he wasn't sure he had enough support for it to pass.