Privacy Policy
Because we recognize the importance of privacy to visitors to our website, NPR Illinois does not collect identifiable personal information from the website unless you choose to provide that information to us.
- NPR Illinois does not rent or sell personal information from website visitors or its member list to any organization.
- NPR Illinois does not exchange personal information from website visitors or its member list with any political party or candidate for political office.
- NPR Illinois does not exchange names, addresses, telephone numbers or e-mail addresses of its members, former members or website visitors with outside organizations.
- NPR Illinois uses identifiable personal information of its members, former members and website visitors only to communicate directly with them.
If you do not want to be contacted by NPR Illinois about programming announcements and membership information, you may indicate this at the time you provide the information. If an "opt-out" option is not offered, or you decide after you have provided this information that you do not want NPR Illinois to contact you, you may also notify us by email.
Our sites utilize remarketing services through Google Adwords and other vendors to help us better serve our audience. Based on information that we automatically collect and information that you provide to us, we may display targeted banner ads tailored to you based on your previous interactions with our sites. Google may also display targeted ads tailor made for you on outside sites based on your previous interactions with our sites. We may also send you an email encouraging you to complete a previously abandoned donation form, or to return to a previously visited website offering events or content, both audio and digital. You may opt out of Google Remarketing Ads on Google’s website.
An Additional Note to Members Of NPR Illinois
Membership in NPR Illinois is a crucial source of support, and our relationship with our members is the highest expression of our mutual commitment to the NPR Illinois mission: to be a cultural asset to the communities we serve.
Because NPR Illinois is part of the University of Illinois, all contributions must be made to the University of Illinois Foundation, the only legally designated recipient for all funds to support any aspect of the University of Illinois on any campus, including NPR Illinois (WUIS-WIPA). Therefore, the University of Illinois Foundation maintains a list of all donors to NPR Illinois and all other components of every campus. Personal information contained in the Foundation's record is used only for University-related business. This information is available only to the University of Illinois Foundation; it is not made available to any third party, including general staff of NPR Illinois, and is confidential.
Online contributions made with a credit card are secure and verified through VeriSign (more information is available at the time of the transaction).
NPR Illinois certifies it meets federal and state law on donor privacy and data security.