The conventional wisdom is: Ted Cruz’s speech at the Republican National Convention tore open fresh wounds of divided party.
Illinois National Republican Committeeman Richard Porter says the outrage at Cruz isn’t a sign of discord.

“That was unity man, that was 25,000 people booing him all at once," he said.
The comment prompted Jim Fisher, a farmer from near Bloomington, to walk out of the Illinois delegation’s morning meeting.
"No, no – that’s what, that’s what. No, no, I don’t agree with that," he said.
Fisher says while the other delegates were booing, he was feeling proud of Cruz’s refusal to endorse Trump.
“I was thinking no, Ted, don’t. Don’t. You have principle that you stand on," he said. "You have principle that you stand on, and you can support the candidate as you said you would, but you don't have toe endorse the person, you don't have to endorse the man."
Fisher wouldn’t explicitly commit to voting for Trump; he’d only say that he’ll do whatever it takes to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House.