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YouTube channel provides retirement information for Illinois' public employees


Public employees in Illinois can access retirement information simply by going to YouTube. A new channel has been launched.

IPPFA-TV is a new service provided by the Illinois Public Pension Fund Association (IPPFA) and includes videos on vital topics relating to police, firefighters and other municipal retirees. The IPPFA-TV channel can be accessed at https://ippfa.org/education/ippfa-tv/.

“Public employees who are retired or are looking toward retirement can now access this valuable information through our convenient and easy to understand free videos,” said IPPFA President James McNamee. “Our YouTube channel is another helpful tool for their retirement planning.”

According to an announcement, IPPFA-TV video topics include suburban and downstate Illinois Tier One and Tier Two police and fire pension benefits, public employee deferred compensation, Social Security and public pensions, and retirement healthcare funding including the HELPS tax credit for retired public safety personnel. More videos will be added throughout the year.

Although the channel initially concentrates on municipal fire and police personnel outside of Chicago, the Social Security and retirement savings modules are applicable to Illinois teachers and university employees statewide as well as employees of the City of Chicago, Cook County and related agencies.

The IPPFA was founded in 1985 as a not-for-profit organization whose mandate was to educate public pension fund trustees.


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