October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The FBI warns that cybercrimes are on the rise.
According to the Internet Crime Complaint Center, Illinois is the 5th highest state for the number of victims with over 14,786 people being the victim of a cybercrime. Illinois is 7th for the total of money lost with over $266 million being stolen.
The FBI advocates for people and businesses to practice “Cyber Hygiene”. Techniques such as using unique passwords, updating devices and software, and checking the legitimacy of communications before opening attachments or sending money can help limit the risk of cybercrime.
“Honestly, the biggest link, or the weakness is going to be the human link, right? Because we're very vulnerable,” said Aaron Von Hoff, Supervisory Special Agent for FBI Springfield’s Cyber Squad.
For more information or to report a cybercrime to the Internet Crime Complaint Center, visit https://www.ic3.gov/ Be sure to report a crime as soon as possible to limit the damages.
“So that's one of the key things if you're able to, if you're in that situation, you talk to us,” Von Hoff said. “The quicker we can have that communication, understand where you bank, your account information, we'll send that to our team and they can get stuff reversed.”