Directed by Andrew Maynerich and Morgan Kaplan, Sister Act is coming to the Muni's stage for the first time.
Inspired by a Whoopi Goldberg movie, Sister Act is a non-stop dancing, singing, all-around good time. The cast and crew say fresh faces and the show's "disco theme" make it a great addition to the Muni family of shows.
"We've got at least a forty year age difference in our nuns," Said Maynerich "It gives us a really good option to be able to expose our audiences to multiple characters rather than just watching the storyline of one, individual person. You kind of get to know every single person in this show."
"Each of them [the characters] have shared with special this experience is for them." Said Kaplan. "I'm just excited for them to take the stage and put this all together for the first time at the Muni."
Sister Act opens at the Springfield Muni on June 22, 2018. Find more information here.
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