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Artist Explores IL Environmental History & Hopes To Change Its Future

"I really like Illinois ... I like the wildlife, I like the environment. I just wish there was a little bit more of the wild around."

 Kevin Veara’s interests and passions may seem a bit unrelated. From wildlife preservation, to tattoos, to bird-watching and painting. Lately he’s been working to restore the presence of wildlife – on his own property and through his art. His work is on display at the UIS Visual Arts Gallery and there’s an opening reception tonight there from 5:30 to 8. WUIS’ Rachel Otwell recently spoke with Veara:

The opening reception is Thursday night from 5:30 to 8 at the UIS gallery - click here for more info. And click here to listen to a feature profile WUIS did on Veara.

Rachel Otwell of the Illinois Times is a former NPR Illinois reporter.
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